Blog Archives

At the Corner

I pass by this corner almost everyday but hadn’t thought to paint it til now.

House on the Hill

Watercolour from photos taken on my morning walk.

Through the Clouds

Lots of grey days lately but I was fortunate to be by the water when the sun broke through.

One Deer, Two Birds

I had 3 deer that visited every couple of days for awhile. One deer by herself and a doe and fawn together.

For a while my bird feeders were being emptied by by chipmunks. I stopped filling them. I bought a squirrel baffle and started filling the feeders again. Blue jays spend a lot of time at 2 of the feeders but occasionally the smaller birds get a chance .


This sunflower was growing in the ditch beside the road. I would look for it every morning on my walk noticing the progress of its blooms and buds

One morning it wasn’t there. I found a hole where it had been growing. I guess someone else also enjoyed its charm but wasn’t willing to share.

A View On My Walk


I’m back to painting trees. Today one maple beside my driveway has quite a few branches of red leaves. These were painted before we had any frost warnings so they’re still all green.

Sometimes I Sit and Watch the Fox and…

The local fox visits quite frequently. Sometimes the crows tell me he’s there and sometimes I’m lucky and I’m looking out the window when he comes by.

My camera is usually nearby and I have many photographs to paint from.

He frequently drinks out of the bird bath which is on the ground because the raccoons broke the stand.

I occasionally see him when I’m out on my early morning walk.

Sometimes he sits and watches me.

Early Morning

Another watercolour from a photograph taken on my early morning walk.

A Light Dusting of Snow

The snow was preceded by freezing rain. The small amount that fell was enough to cover roofs roofs and cars.

Since then we’ve had more snow and now the ground is white.