
I’m back to painting trees. Today one maple beside my driveway has quite a few branches of red leaves. These were painted before we had any frost warnings so they’re still all green.

Sometimes I Sit and Watch the Fox and…

The local fox visits quite frequently. Sometimes the crows tell me he’s there and sometimes I’m lucky and I’m looking out the window when he comes by.

My camera is usually nearby and I have many photographs to paint from.

He frequently drinks out of the bird bath which is on the ground because the raccoons broke the stand.

I occasionally see him when I’m out on my early morning walk.

Sometimes he sits and watches me.

Early Morning

Another watercolour from a photograph taken on my early morning walk.

Green Green

Watercolour from a photo taken on my early morning walk.


I’m doing watercolours from photos in my basement to avoid the heat.

This one is of the pine tree in front of my cottage. I’ve done a close up of the trunk concentrating on light and shadows.

The second one is if a crow sitting at the top of a pine tree on the golf course.


I did some hand embroidery last week. I sketched the figure on the fabric with pencil and started adding stitches. Not much planning. Just something to keep busy.

Misty Morning

Watercolour painting from a photo taken on my early morning walk

Life Drawing

I do Life Drawing once a week. I used to use my iPad and Apple Pencil in Procreate but I have recently switched to watercolour. We do mostly short poses starting with one minute and working up to 30 minutes. For the shorter poses I try to sketch the shapes with just watercolour. For the longer poses I sketch first with pencil. I’m still trying to figure out what works best for me.

These are 5 and 10 minute poses. Sometimes I do the 5 minute poses directly in watercolour but here I used a pencil first.

A 20 minute pose.

Winter Roads

Here are 2 recent watercolours painted from photographs taken during my morning walks.

in the second one I used a tiny bit of gouache.

A Light Dusting of Snow

The snow was preceded by freezing rain. The small amount that fell was enough to cover roofs roofs and cars.

Since then we’ve had more snow and now the ground is white.